Tuesday, 15 November 2011

From The The First Sprouts of Downy Fluff

Welcome to the first post of my moustache based blog. A quick introduction is probably in order. I am JDBotterman, struggling musician and enthusiastic moustache grower.
I have been sporting facial hair ever since I could sprout a decent amount and have had a big moustache for about five years now with varying degrees of success. The first lesson of moustache growing is that it is not a binary process but rather a lot like gardening. On your face. It takes time, patience and lots of love and attention.

Currently it seems that moustache awareness and appreciation is at an all time high, no doubt helped along by the Movember charitable movement. Under the guise of charity any man may now publicly grow a moustache free from any perceived persecution or embarrassment. This is a good thing.

I often get asked questions about my moustache, the most common being "How long did that take to grow?", "Do you put any styling products in it?" and "Why? Why? Why?". These are not simple questions to answer but rather the opening gambits of a long and detailed discussion. Not many have the time for this so I have decide to start blogging about the adventures of my top lip companion right here, for you.

My aim for this blog is to document all the trials and processes that go into being the owner of a very big moustache. I thought it would be good for anyone interested in growing, maintaining or just reading about such things to have a little corner of the Internet where just that is being done. I have a huge amount of styling products, grooming paraphernalia and handy tips (excuse the pun) which I will be sharing.

I thought I would start with a few pictures of the moustache fresh from the shower, shampooed, lightly dried and combed. No products have been added or appliances used. As the weeks pass I shall be showcasing some techniques and equipment that you can use to tame the 'tache. I hope you will enjoy it.

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